Delete a Report or Label

You are able to delete a custom report or custom label from the Report Designer application.

Note: The role of the logged-in user must include the Delete Reports feature in order to delete a custom report or a custom label.

To delete a custom report or label from the Report Designer, follow the steps below.

  1. Open the Report Designer application; see "Launching the IntelliTrack End-User Report Designer".
  2. In the Report Designer, select the Open button from the ribbon; the Open Report/Barcode dialog appears.

Report Designer Ribbon

  1. From the Open Report/Barcode dialog:
    1. To delete a report, in the Select a Category field, select the Reports option.
    2. To delete a label, in the Select a Category field, select the Barcodes option.

Open Report/Barcode dialog

  1. Next, click the drop-down arrow in the Select a Type field and select Custom from the list that appears.

Open Report/Barcode dialog - Select a Type field

  1. Next, click the drop-down arrow in the Select a Name field and select the report/label name from the list that appears.

Open Report/Barcode dialog Select a Name field

  1. The selected report/label is loaded onto the screen.
  1. Select the Delete icon from the ribbon.

Report Designer Application Ribbon Showing Delete Icon

  1.  A message appears: Are you sure that you want to delete this report/label?
    1. To delete this report/label, select Yes. The message closes and you are returned to the Report Designer. The report is no longer displayed onscreen; it has been removed from the application.
    2. You also have the option to cancel deleting this report/label by selecting No instead.